Gorillaz plastic beach deluxe edition itunes us
Gorillaz plastic beach deluxe edition itunes us

And even if you hate it, it still can't be as bad as The Fall. You should still go listen to it, as it has highlights that make it an essential. Despite all this, I think Humanz is still a good album that isn't a complete disappointment after 6 years, but still has rough edges. They just seem to be going off of what's popular rather than what's actually good. To me, their biggest flaw is that none of these songs has the creative energy that Gorillaz are praised for. However, it's songs like Ascension, Let Me Out, Out of Body, Circle of Friendz and Sex Murder Party that all felt like too big of a departure. The beats are catchy and vibrant, guest artists all do great work, Damon nails every lyric, and because of all this, a few of them have become some of my favourites from the band. Songs like Andromeda, Strobelight, We Got the Power, Carnival, Hallelujah Money, The Apprentice and Saturnz Barz all demonstrate how this departure works. The reason I say this is because a number of the songs on it are nothing like Gorillaz. It's not Gorillaz "most dazzling album yet", but it's still good. The reason I say this is because a Humanz is a good album, but that's it.

Gorillaz plastic beach deluxe edition itunes us